I have had the great fortune to curate showcase programs, podcasts and publications and converse with many artists on broad ideas of dance in society, dance in the professional sector and in pursuit of personal creativity.

‘Speak Local’ was part of the inaugural Interchange Exchange in 2015 for Critical Path, which was co-curated with Margie Medlin. I was invited as Commissioning Editor for Critical Dialogues e-magazine Edition #6 on Intercultural dance practice. Nine dancer-writers contributed to this edition. Download.

Two podcast series ‘In Conversation’ for Ausdance NSW and ‘Dancing on Air’ for Radio Blue Mountains were recorded between 2017-2021.

Much of this dialogue emerged from Groundswell Arts NSW, which focussed on multicultural arts in general, not solely dance, but enough said because these platforms arose out of a necessity for these artists to share viewpoints as dancers working outside of the usual circles, and this has been rich, varied and valuable discussion.

More recently, Salón Flamenco was created as a response to a lack of curatorial knowledge on traditional practices. Taking on the curation has meant some very interesting artists that don’t often get to be seen were presented alongside panel talks that push the edge of what flamenco means in Australia. In addition, conversations with Australia’s Flamenco Pioneers and international artists on ‘Queer Flamenco’ panel discussions were added.